Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lifting hair color tips?

I just dyed my hair a lighter shade of brown recently and now it's time to do my roots again. The first time I did it, of course I started on the roots, left it on for about 20 or so, then left it on the rest of my hair for another 20-25. The problem I'm having is that my roots are coming out so much lighter than the rest of my hair, but directions say to start with roots. Anyone have any helpful tips on how I can even it out? BTW, I'm not using some over the counter dye, I bought some good stuff at the beauty supply called Silk, so it works pretty good. I'm just looking to even out my color.Lifting hair color tips?
Never start with the roots for lighter color. The heat from your head and the virginality of that hair makes it develop faster. that's why it came up lighter. Now that the rest of your hair is the color you want it just put the color on your roots until it too is that color.Lifting hair color tips?
Sounds like somebody needs to see a colorist

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